03 January 2010

looking ahead.. 2010

looking ahead.. 2010

ok.. goal setting for the coming year. i do this as a way to help me stay accountable, and also to let others know what direction i am heading in in ministry and personal life.

~to do street work 2 times a week
~to get more involved with gospel tribe
~to find ways of working with the salvation army, if possible
~to find a church where i can begin preaching
~to make a new film for a festival that carries a subtle christian message
~to further develope the "offene wohnzimmer" ministry concept that i have been working on in 2009 and take steps to start making it a real ministry, not just a concept in development.

~to start a masters of theology program through distance learning (barring finances: to continue to take the online classes and complete at least 6)
~to memorize large passages from the Bble
~to find a new mentor
~to do more athletics for health (swimming, biking..)
~to get married! (is that a goal?)


At 19:52, Anonymous Arianne said...


I just read your post on Anne Jackson's blog. I also posted, I believe two posts down from you. I think it's awesome- what your doing in Germany. I have a heart to reach the lost in the UK but i've never been there nor have I gone on a mission trip. Just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you! I also wouldn't mind sending you encouragement via mail/care packages. I love to make greeting cards. aboveallrubies at hotmaildotcom

At 06:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xate, thanks for commenting on my blog. You totally caught me off guard - someone who was healed who has trouble believing it today. Thank you for carrying out your ministry with courage and dignity in the midst of pain today.

At 06:23, Blogger Anne Jackson said...

Yes - thanks for posting on my blog yesterday. I can't imagine the guts it takes to do what you do. Praying God will surprise you in many ways this year.


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