this is the building that the Jesus Freaks rent.. it is part of an old military base that the coptic church rents. if you don't know who they are... well, neither did i. apparently they were the first believers to split from the catholic church. you can wiki them for more info. the place is a real mess.. it stood empty and unrenovated for a decade or so. so the freaks are fixing it up.. and since the guy doing most of the repairs, bernd, is from karlsruhe, i went along a week early for the counseling seminar to help. i kinda figured i would be just hanging out with God, since i am not really the most knowledgeable person when it comes to water, gas, and heating issues. but bernd is a very, very good teacher. he was able to explain things to the point where i felt i was able to help out and not just be in the way. and when he was doing things i couldn't be of help on, i cooked. (yeah yeah, gender roles and all..) it ended up being a great week, and i was almost sad when the other freaks arrived. next time we will be installing some showers.

the seminar was great, too, though, and it was good to see some old friends and make some new ones. the topic was psychological disorders.. we focused on an overview (a lot of people had no previous knowledge) and then did a more intense study of five disorders. of course we were looking at it from a non-professional standpoint. it was rather interesting. i went into the group on schizophrenia since i have had rather a large amount of contact with that particular disorder. it was a great and motivating review..and now i am quite tired, but back home. oh.. and here's bernd with the chili sauce we made from rubish (we ate all week from thrown away vegetables)
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