butterflies in boxes
a few weeks ago i "met" A.B. (name shortened unless she gives permission or outs herself in the comments) through some comments on a blog we both read. then we exchanged a few emails, and she said she would like to send me a package. i tried not to get my hopes up.. i've heard the same thing a few times before. (cough..konspiracy...cough) she even asked if there is anything i particularly want. anyone who knows me should have a few things in mind already that i answered... i'll just let the pictures do most of the talking.. except to say have you ever seen a bottle of vanilla extract that big?! oh yeah baby, someone's going to go crazy in the kitchen!!
i had tears in my eyes when i was unpacking this stuff.. i mean seriously, a stranger just had it on her heart to bless me... and wow, i am feeling it. (not to mention the trip to the post office helped me get some answers: mom, i think everythings going to be ok) so here it is:
they don't have peppermint? And somehow always thought that was a European.
i can't speak for the rest of europe.. but germany doesnt do peppermint candy.. they have some other minty stuff.. but always with chocolate (also very good, though) sometimes i just miss this taste of home (reminds me of visits to gram)
oh... and cool to see another new face on my blog..
That's interesting. I spent a semester in Italy (although I never got up to Germany unfortunately) and I don't recall seeing any there either....
you should come over.. i recommend the first weekend of august and a small town called borgentreich.... but thats just me (and the freakstock)
Well, if I'm ever on the continent again I'd love to :)
What is freakstock?
it's a festival put on by the jesus freaks (my church)
forgive my ignorance
but what is tims of maine
i realise i could google it but then i'd miss out on the conversation aspect of finding out lol!
hey timotheus..
toms of maine is a company that does organic hygene products.. they started off with just toothpaste and have some other stuff now, too (although i only like the toothpaste.. their deoderant just doesnt cut it..)
i like the toothpaste because it has no added sugars (yes, the leading brands all add sugar to toothpaste.. which i feel is counterproductive). therefore, the tom's brand is not as sweet.. but i like it. also, they have more minty flavors than normal.. wintermint, spearamint, peppermint..
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