the last city on the convoy was cottbus. the first night we spent a few kilometers outside the city limits in the woods... in the morning we saw what kind of place we'd happend upon.. there were used condomes everywhere. i was soo glad i had been able to sleep in one of the busses! we didnt want to stay there even long enough for session, and most of us didnt want to go the loo there either, so we drove into town. there we found these two abandoned buildings, and had some fun figuring out how to get in and check them out. the cute one turned out to be in pretty bad shape, but the other was good. it apeared as if people are there pretty often.. and do curious things with pigeons..

the others went into town from there, to see where we could do street theater or have a concert, but i had the strong feeling to stay there and do some praise and worship. so i talked a few people into staying, and we sat down and sang. after a few songs a homeless man, andy, came over from the other side of the river. he thought it was really cool to see such a group of young people together the way we were... he was caught up in the atmosphere and love.. he stayed for lunch, although he kept trying to pay for it. i talked to him along time about God, forgiveness, and the Bible. he had never heard it before! this is the first time in europe i have been able to share such basic things. finally he excused himself, said, that i had opened his mind to so much, that he just needed to go think alone for awhile. we made plans to meet the next day.

in the afternoon we split up into smaller groups. i went with a few other girls into town, and landed at the same fountain where on convoy 2000 i had been part of the "slave-driver" street theater piece! i opened up the Bible, planted my finger, and began to preach. it was embarassing!!! but good.. at least it gave us new courage.
we werent able to hold a concert that night, so we did a juggling and light show. most of the group got into conversations during that with youth or nazis.... i ended up talking to three grandparents from bremen.. not quite the focus of our trip, but very funny. and the best is, they wouldnt let me go! they kept saying things like, "yes, but before you go.. explain grace to us."

the next morning a few of us went back to the river to meet with andy. it ended disappointing, though. he came very late and had a friend with him. the friend knew all about the Bible and wasnt interested, and kept blocking my conversation with andy. later i went with hobert through town and did praise and worship and loud Bible readings.

saturday was then the end of convoy. we ate around a small fountain and attracted a few youth who stayed with us durring session. one girl who dabbles in the occult began to cry and ran home. when she came back she was wearing the only non-black dress she has: her grammas wedding dress. she said she wanted to break with her past, and asked if they would take her somewhere else.. anyplace with a church.

there was only one thing i missed out on: on their way back home, the berliners stopped by a lake and baptised my friend patrick.
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