freakstock 06

alot happened at freakstock this year, as usual, more than i can begin to share. the two things that are the most important to me though are contact with God and with friends. usually freakstock ends up being too busy for much time with either- but not this year.
the spiritual highlight this year was the traditional style church service saturday night in the field church. nobby had to fight to be heard over "the violet burning" playing on the mainstage, but the power of his message wasnt in the words but in the spirit. his words were great (he is one of my top three preachers) about psalm 25, but in his message i began to feel God working in my life. we shared communion and he blessed each group, my group was given the scripture "he who began a new work in you will be faithful to complete it." that was way cool, because i have an ongoing story with that passage that means alot to me. i went from there over to the marquee tent and was surprised witha hardcore praise and worship band.[] i wanted to scream along and threw my fist in the air and
got stuck. i couldnt get a word out, and couldnt move. it was like a freeze frame. in the middle of this hardcore praise, stinking and dancing freaks, i stood, quietly, and embrassed Gods peace. its kinda embarassing now, to think back to how i stood there, front and center, in the mosh pit, and didnt move... but at the same time, i met with God there, and if he wants to make me a fool to touch me, then pass me the jokers hat.
"if music be the food of love, play on fool; give me excess of it"
act 1 scene 1, twelth night by william shakespeare
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