
i finally got a sofa for my room.. and not just any sofa, but the one i fell in love with at ikea a few weeks ago. i was disappointed, because it cost 600euro, and there was just no way i could afford it. then, just a few days later, i saw an ad for a used one on the internet, and made an appointment to see it. it isnt the right color.. at all.. its blue and white plaid (ick!!), but it is exactly the model i liked, and it was practically unused. the man was aasking 200e for it, but since it is so ugly (he agreed) he offered it for 150e. i still hesitated, because to get a new cover wont be that cheap, either, but i really did need a sofa- the kind you can come in to after a long hard day and just throw yourself down on. he asked me what i do for a liing, and as i was talking he decided that he'd offer to give me the sofa for even less! so i am now the proud new owner of the worlds ugliest but most comfortable sofa! the funny thing is, that when we picked it up, the man had to go at 6:30, and wolle, the guy helping me pick transport it, was still in hannover at that time. so hans and i carried it down to the street, and sat on it and waited for wolle to get there- at 9:00! to make this funnier, we were in the best part of town!
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