10 December 2008

hope house hard spot

i already touched on the subject in "living hosea" that we are currently caught up in the middle of a rather intense drama.. now it is all out in the open, and we are free to talk about it. one of the house mates, matze, started an affair with a married woman a few weeks ago. the couple are also members of the church and the wife is in the 'street group' that i lead. the situation has escalated, including the husband almost killing himself and a violent outburst from matze at the house.

tonight we met with matze as a house and told him our decision that he should be out of the house by the end of the year. he hasn't been staying here, anyway, but we need an official end. the affair was only one issue, his violent outburst another.. but also, he is several months rent behind. the relationship with him is very strained, so that we do not expect to see the owed rent money.... it comes to about 1000 euro. (1300$) plus we can't look for a new house mate until january, since we are all gone for the holidays... so we will also have at least a months rent loss on top of that.

i am looking forward to being GONE for a few weeks!! see you guys in dallas soon.

ps: anyone want to buy my powerbook??


At 11:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get a new computer? I got myself a MacBook for Christmas. It's not the brand spanking new aluminum kind but it's way new in comparison to my IBook that was 5 yrs old and no longer held a charge.


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