25 November 2009

thanksgiving came early

wow! this is a real thanksgiving week.. quite cool.

a while back i met some girls from "gospel tribe" here in karlsruhe (similar to steiger), and they invited me to stop by sometime. so yesterday i went or coffee. in our conversation birgit told me about their outreaches to the alcoholics at werder platz (around the corner from them) every wednesday and asked if i would like to come. sooo....

today i went to join them. it turned out to be cool on several levels.. first, one of the students there is the sister of jenny who i knew in bremen (she often visited the hope house and was in the impro group and street group i led).. she had prayed the night before for God to send her "people" to be friends with- a prayer i have been saying a lot lately.

then we went out to werder platz (a square where a lot of homeless hang out) and passed out coffee and tea and talked to people. it was great to be back in my element a little. i got into a conversation right away with a 39 year old man from kasakastan. he'd just been released from prison, where he had read the Bible.. he had a lot of questions and we had a very interesting conversation. it led me to give him the little Bible i had with me, since he left his with a friend in jail. he took it like a little kid getting a birthday present. it was so cool! and he askd for prayer that he get an apartment when he goes to the state offices tomorro. there were several others too, a guy that reminded me of dirk in bremen, and a girl who was full of life and quite honest and blunt.

i am looking forward to joining their team every week from now on! and i met christine from the salvation army, who several people told me i should meet... i am going their tomoro....


At 16:02, Anonymous katekon said...

so, I am catching up on your blog. this group sounds like a really good fit for you!


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