01 September 2008

endgame stuttgart

my time in stuttgart is in the final round. two weeks are over and sunday i go back to bremen. and i must say, as nice as the time here has been, i am glad to get back to my own turf and home and work. uh oh.. that doesn't sound very cate-like.. am i getting older?
the time here hasn't been as productive as i hoped.. my meetings went well with the help-organizations, but no chances sprung up to help out so far. i have had a chance to go to the jesus freaks here, and to meet with some during the week. but mostly, this time has been more laid back. i have caught up on my written work and some sermons i have been working on. (speaking of whitch.. any of you listen to the dallas theological society podcast? i heard a great series on it last week about globalisation and faith.. maybe we could share thoughts) (for mom and gram: a "podcast" is a free download via iTunes with regular segments for your listening enjoyment.. like a regular talk radio program, but at your schedule)
this weekend i met the mans parents.. and lived to tell. :-)


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