the return of the conspiracy
ah yes, it was inevitable. after the increadible success of the first episode of "the cate conspiracy" a second version is being released. this time the full directors cut, longer and more dramatic! in their new adventure, "yo soy del peru," cate and kate will conquer the vast european west, scouting for 12 year olds and running from bulls.

ok.. now to tell it without the dramatic anouncer voice.. my friend kate arrived friday from new jersey. and there's a long and amazing story to why, but i'm not going to tell it. skipping ahead, we fly to venice, italy on may 9, and are taking a eurail trip from there. just to be mean, i'll list all the exciting places we are probably going (nothings set in stone, though): venice, milan, torino or genova, nice, toulon, marseille, sete, cerbere and portbou, barcelona, tarragona, valencia, the southern coast of spain, malaga, cadiz, sevilla, madrid, santiago de compostello and a town kates ancestors are from, porto, pamplona, bayonne, st malo and mt st michel, paris, brussels, amsterdam, groeningen, copenhagen, berlin. any tips?
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