today i was back at werder platz doing street work.. this week the gospel tribers weren't able to go out, so i led a small team (2 others). armed with coffee, we hit the fountain and attempted to talk to people..
which wasn't working too well at first. but then i saw the notorious Fibs, and was able to use some pantomine to get him to come over and say hi. he's kinda difficult to grasp, sometimes he is alright, but others he can be quite belligerent and difficult. today he was more than ok, he was clear and friendly.
somehow i ended up saying that i'd really like a place where i could cook for the fringe groups once or twice a week, a place where we could get into more serious conversations. kinda like cafe chance was in bremen.. a christian drug counseling center. he offered to take me around and show me the programs that are in place so far, and said my idea would be well recieved, there isnt much in karlsruhe like it.
suddenly he went off a bit and stopped a lady on a bike, then called me over. turns out, she is the head of the street work team for the diakonie (a big organization). we made an appointment to talk more next week, but she already suggested a few places where i could make a difference... and said she'd put in a good word for me with the pastor of the church on werder platz. they have a big kitchen and meeting room, and there's a chance i could use it for a soup kitchen!
i don't think today was a coincidence. i think it was God working, opening doors. maybe the first step towards my open living room?