so, after it being so nice in Nice, we expected a low...
but it didnt come in montpellier! we went to visit marie and alex sokosomething that i met on convoy last year. at that point, they didnt speak englisch or german, so it was hard to communicate. we did alot of gesturing and asked the same few questions over and over.. i could tell i liked them alot, though. this time they spoke englisch really well, and we were able to have some really great conversations. i wish we could of spent more time with them (espesially instead of cerber) but they are moving this weekend, and we didnt want to impose too long.
the first night we went with them to visit friends. the city itself was pretty cool, as well. the second day they showed us all around, until we both unfortunatly got sick.
moving on, still sick, we landed in cerber and realized it was a mistake right away. there was barely a train station, and no taxis (we called 3, but none had cars!!). the resort we ended up at also had nothing to do. the highlight was talking in french (kate can do that) to the shop owner. he also ended up to be the most friendly frenchman on the face of the earth, and when the hotel couldnt organize a way for us to get back to the train station, he closed his shop and drove us.
today we arrived in barcellona. and man, it is sooo uch better. we already went out for paella. our hostel is on las ramblas, and seems cool enough. they play good music, and when they couldnt find our reservation for the 8 bed dorm, they gave us a two bed room at the same price! so, any tips on barcellona are apreciated (murr and meg.. i look to you guys..)
and just to keep up the itenerary: from here we fly to teneriffe in the canary islands in five days. :-D